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[HANASHIR:17214] Re: Notation for Build This World Together

Julie - Debbie's "Build This World" has been published for several years now! 
 Please call our office to order 1-800-9-SOUND-9!
Randee Friedman
Sounds Write Productions, Inc.

In a message dated 3/24/2004 6:20:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
julie(dot)newman (at) comcast(dot)net writes:
After searching, it seems that Debbie Friedman’s “Build This World 
has not been published. Has anybody notated it that can fax it to me? 
Also---has anybody got Meir Finklestein’s V’shamru on Finale or something? 
already have the music---but need it in key=Dm (and don’t have Finale---and 
am looking for an easy way out…). Thanks for any help you can give!
Fax: 412 366-0615
Julie Newman
Music Director, Temple Ohav Shalom
Allison Park, PA  (Pittsburgh)
julie(dot)newman (at) comcast(dot)net

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