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[HANASHIR:17215] Call for submissions for new songbook

Transcontinental Music invites you to submit musical material for inclusion in 
a new publication to be entitled, The Complete Nigunim Songbook. This new 
collection will include composed and orally transmitted nigunim.

We are especially looking for the following:

        **Nigunim appropriate for weddings, start or end of worship services, 
healing services, meditation, Rosh Chodesh groups, lullabies, meals or any 
other time or occasion

        **Liturgical settings which feature a nigun as a section of the piece

The deadline for submission of music is Wednesday, May 19, 2004.  We invite you 
to send us music you have composed or music written by others that you think 
should appear in the volume. Please send sheet music (make sure all composers 
are properly credited) with chording. Please do not send recordings at this 
time. Please send all submissions to:

Transcontinental Music
Nigunim Songbook/Attn: Joel Eglash
633 Third Avenue
NY, NY 10017-6778

Joel N. Eglash, Managing Director 
Transcontinental Music Publications / URJ Press
A division of the Union for Reform Judaism
633 Third Avenue - New York, NY 10017 - (F) 212.650.4109 
212.650.4106 - Shop online at -

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