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[HANASHIR:17206] Hebrew College Course Survey

As a courtesy to the folks at Shamash, the Jewish Internet Consortium, who
provides our list service, I am passing on this link to an online survey for
their parent organization, Hebrew College. This request has been made of all
Shamash list-owners, so I apologize if you have seen it on other lists.
-- -- -- --

Hebrew College, home of Shamash, plans to expand its online, adult-education
Judaica and Hebrew language courses, using a mix of online technology and
video-conferencing. We are eager to know your opinion of our revised program
and its features. Would you take a few minutes to fill out a survey of eight
short questions? Your answers will be recorded anonymously without
identifying you.

Thanks so much for your help

Alan Zaitchik
Director, Hebrew College Online
azaitchik (at) hebrewcollege(dot)edu

Nathan Ehrlich
Dean, Hebrew College Online
nathan (at) hebrewcollege(dot)edu

-- -- -- --

Thank you in advance to those list owners that feel comfortable sending this
to their mailing lists.


--David Rosenthal Project Coordinator

     Shamash: The Jewish Internet Consortium Help Staff <help (at) 

      Shamash is a project of Hebrew College

=========  H O W   T O   G E T   H E L P   O N   S H A M A S H  ==========
Via the Web: Help docs & info can be found at
ListProc:    Automated help on listproc topics can be retrieved by sending
              "help" on a line by itself to listproc (at) shamash(dot)org When 
Else Fails:  Send mailto:help (at) shamash(dot)org describing the nature of your
problem, and including copies of any error messages, etc. A HUMAN member of
the support staff will reply as soon as possible.

-------------------- listowner-admin (at) shamash(dot)org -------------------+ 
by Shamash: The Jewish Network,  
a service of Hebrew College, which offers online courses and an online MA in
Jewish Studies,

To unsubscribe email listproc (at) shamash(dot)org and have your message read:
unsubscribe listowner-admin
-------------------- listowner-admin (at) shamash(dot)org -------------------=

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network,
a service of Hebrew College, which offers online courses and an
online MA in Jewish Studies,

To unsubscribe email listproc (at) shamash(dot)org and have your message read:
unsubscribe hanashir
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------

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