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[HANASHIR:17147] Tunes for Order of the Seder and Lyrics for Who Led the Slaves Out


Seems odd that I rarely take advantage on my own list community! I'm looking
for help on these three items:

1. Looking to assemble a list of melodies (both Jewish and secular) to which
you can sing the order of the Seder (Kadesh, urhatz, etc.) I have my own
list (which I'll share and post to the web site once I've collected your
contributions as well.

2. Looking for the lyrics to Rabbi Joe Black's "Who Led the Slaves Out."

3. New and exciting Pesach songs (and parodies) for any age group.

Any and all help appreciated. E-mail to adrian (at) durlester(dot)com



Adrian A. Durlester, MTS
E-mail: adrian (at) durlester(dot)com
Director of Education & Congregational Life, Bethesda Jewish Congregation
director (at) bethesdajewish(dot)com
Co-Director, Hazamir/JTAI Choir of Greater DC
Past Conf Chair, CAJE 27, August 4-8, 2002, Trinity University, San Antonio,
List Owner, hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Jewish Songleaders/Performers List
Co-Owner, l-torah (at) shamash(dot)org; Liberal Torah Discussion List 

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