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[HANASHIR:17143] RE: Hebrew Fonts <> 


You can copy/paste prayers.  You'll have to download Shebrew font.  Our
rabbi used it to create a Shabbat service and it was great!





From: Lori Shapiro [mailto:lorshap (at) bellsouth(dot)net] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:46 AM
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject: [HANASHIR:17129] Hebrew Fonts


Several years ago I created my family's hagaddah but it was a pain because I
had to xerox the Hebrew, cut it out, glue it , glue it and then xerox  a
copy. I'd like to revise it now that all the kids are older but I'd like to
avoid that process with the Hebrew. Is there a site where I can download the
fonts or a really inexpensive program I can buy to do this?



Lori Shapiro




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