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[HANASHIR:17135] Re: Hebrew Fonts

It looks like the Haggadah is included in Davkawriter Dimensions....

At 12:38 PM 3/18/2004, Laura Ferguson wrote:
>Davka used to have a copy of the trad. Haggadah in Hebrew.  I didn't see 
>it on their website when I looked just now, but you might call them and 
>see if they can still provide it for you.
>I used this as the Hebrew source for our custom Haggadah. As a result, I 
>didn't have to re-type to much of the Hebrew.  The biggest trick was 
>finding the text I wanted within the text of the all Hebrew Haggadah, but 
>I found that a printed version of the trad. Haggadah was a helpful guide.
>Have fun!
>At 09:36 AM 3/18/2004, David Harris wrote:
>>Forgive the reply to the list, but this may be useful information for many
>>of our HN family.
>>You can by a CD from Davka at called "Hebrew Font
>>Gallery". The fonts are useable in Word, but work better in a Hebrew word
>>processing package. It is a nice collection of Hebrew fonts to place in your
>>fonts folder. Their "Davka Writer" software is great for preparing documents
>>in Hebrew and English.
>>If you are using a Macintosh computer, Mellel (OSX only) is a less expensive
>>Hebrew word processor with great features.
>>Hope this is helpful!
>>David Harris
>>Solomon Schechter Day School
>>Northbrook, IL

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