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[HANASHIR:15142] Re: Mini Discs for dummies "How To Copy to the Computer ...


thanks for taking the "dummies" part of the heading seriously.  I appreciate 
the detailed information.  When I recover from CAJE, I plan to try all of the 
great suggestions that I received.  Too bad that this wonderful technology 
isn't easier.

for those who didn't attend caje, one of the best late nights i had was a 
wonderful evening of music led by marge eiseman and laura berkson.  Not only 
they great (laura's voice just keeps growing), but so were a host of others 
including judy caplan ginsburgh, fran avni and others.  It was midnight, i'm 
sure i missed singer who was new to me (probably not to others) is 
judith silver.  what a great presence and voice.  she has a few cds out.  

shabbat shalom,
gail nalven

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