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[HANASHIR:14216] RE: Neighbor Song

Raffi was one of the first artists that my children listened to when
they were very young. He wrote and recorded great songs for little ears
and for their parents who had to listen to it repeatedly. He paved the
way for many musicians who work with young children, including myself
and my husband. As an early childhood educator who specializes in music
for young children in both the secular and Jewish world, I would like to
suggest that we all be open to Raffi's music, as well as other music
written specifically for young children. I would also like to suggest
that there are many songs that fall under the category of "children's
music" that I believe you would find lovely to sing and that carry
important messages AND that can very successfully be used for some older
audiences, some written in Hebrew and some written in English (and some
that combine both languages).

In an effort to do all we can to make the world a better place and to
reach out to all of our neighbors, and as members of this list, I would
like to suggest that we be careful about not denigrating anyone's music,
whether we like their contributions or not.

No disrespect intended,
Ellen Allard
Worcester, MA
Peter & Ellen Allard
Specializing in Music for Young Children
For information on our award-winning recordings, children's concerts,
and teacher workshops/keynotes, please visit or call tollfree 1-888-746-4481

-----Original Message-----
From: Cantors Brad and Ilana Hyman [mailto:chazanim (at) pacbell(dot)net] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 10:48 AM
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject: [HANASHIR:14205] Neighbor Song

As another suggestion (and I can't believe this is the
artist I'm pushing)....

As long as you don't mind English, and the juvenile
factor is not too oppressive, check out Rafi's "To
Everyone In All Of The World" off of Baby Beluga. I
was never a big fan of Prozac for the ears, but I must
admit... it grows on you like fungus. 
Rafi's stuff is pretty good for content, and there's
no reason why anyone couldn't sing it with their own
style and make it a little bit more exciting. 


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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