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[HANASHIR:14053] Re: Passover Parody

Dear friends,

Here's a parody of Kadesh Urchatz that I wrote last year, to the tune of
Tom Lehrer's "Vatican Rag"

First you bless a cup of wine,
Wash your hands before you dine,
Dip the parsley, What a treat...
...Break a Matzah but do not eat.

Tell the whole Passover tale,
Wash again, scrub every nail,
Ma Nishtana Ha Laila Ha Zeh
We're doin' the Passover Rag

Bless the bread and then the Matzah, then
Take one piece, and then take lotsa', then
Dip those bit-ter herbs of slavery
In Charoset, sweet and savory,

...Then the best part of the Seder
Pour the Wine, don't wait 'til later,
2, 4, 6, 8
Eat all the kugel on your plate.

For dessert there's Afikoman,
When at home lean like a Roman,
Thank God for food and
Sing God is good and

That's the Passover, 
We had a gas over,
That's The Passover Ra-a-a-g...
That's the Passover Rag.

Chag Sameach,


Kent R. Bailey, Ph. D.
Section of Biostatistics
baileyk (at) mayo(dot)edu

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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