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[HANASHIR:11220] "Esh Esh" music

The music for "Esh esh" can be heard on Rachel Buchman's recording 
"Jewish Holiday Songs for Children."

You can hear the song online for free, in realaudio, at

It's a terrific album- I've already worn out my copy of the tape. A
colleague recently showed me the accompanying songbook, which is filled
with wonderful dances and games and ideas for teachers. Enjoy! 

-Robin Selinger
 Music teacher, Temple Shalom, Chevy Chase, MD

Robin Selinger                        202 319-6740 phone
Associate Professor, Physics          202 319-4448 fax
Catholic University 
Washington, DC 20064                  selinger (at) cua(dot)edu

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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