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[HANASHIR:11155] Re: HANASHIR digest 1501

In a message dated 3/13/02 9:11:00 AM, shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

<<  I've never been to a Christian

service, >>

I attend a church (protestant) service everyweek as a paid member of their 
church choir. There are not many kids there, but they are pretty well 
behaved. during the service, it is customary to have a “children’s” story 
hour...for about 5 minutes for the younger children. Done right during the 
main service while all adults sit listening. Also, in the pews of this church 
there is a basket of little toys and coloring books and (believe it or not) 
silly putty for kids to occupy themselves with during the rest of the 
service. Once in a while an adult will go over to the kids and quiet them, 
but they are rarely noisy.

Keep in mind that I’m not talking about a whole bunch of kids like in a 
Sunday school. There are maybe only less than 10 on a normal Sunday. And I’m 
not making suggestions or passing any judgements, just commenting on what I 
see everyweek.

Ln Lerner
Roch. Ny.

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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