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[HANASHIR:11154] Re: HANASHIR digest 1501

I've found that both kids and adults really stay tuned in at Tot Shabbat, 
but at special preschool events -- Shabbat Singing, Chanukah sing-along, etc 
-- it's almost always the parents whom I need to ask to quiet down for the 
sake of their children.  The adults don't appear particularly upset when I 
do so (although I have no idea what they're really thinking).  I try to 
remember at the conclusion to thank the parents for being there and in that 
way I hope I've smoothed any ruffled feathers... although I often think that 
the parents have missed out on an opportunity to truly participate with 
their child in a Jewish activity if they've basically spent the time 
chatting with other adults.
-- Carol

Carol Boyd Leon, Burke, VA
Songwriter/Songleader/Music Educator
Email:   CBLeon (at) hotmail(dot)com
Phone:   703-250-0554

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