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[HANASHIR:11148] Did Anyone Tape This Program?

Chevrei --

(This might be slightly off-topic but since there may be some of us who are
considering a career in the cantorate, I thought I should ask.)

Did anyone happen to tape the program "Faith First: Second Career Clergy"
(scheduled to be broadcast on most ABC affiliate stations across the nation
between 1/13 and 3/10 --  For those of you
who know them (not I), HUC-JIR second career rabbinical students Jennifer
Jaech (N' 03) and Jack Romberg (N' 01) were featured in this documentary;
the program also talked about choosing the cantorate as a career.

I taped it here in Boston, but there was something wrong with my VCR or the
video tape -- all I have is garbled sound and distorted video.  The program
is totally unwatchable.

If you taped the program and would be willing to lend it to me so that I may
watch it, I would be most appreciative.  Of course, I will pay for all
shipping costs -- unless of course you live in the greater Boston/New
England area, in which case I could pick it up from you.  Naturally, it
would be returned promptly.


Steve Meltzer
steve (at) meltzerworld(dot)net


"And who is wise?  One who learns from all people."  --  Pirke Avot 4:1

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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