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[HANASHIR:11132] a Hava Nashira plug

Dear friends, musicians, edutainers, and all,

Another impressive reason to attend Hava Nashira that you might not have yet 

Besides the 5 glorious days of singing, drumming, dancing, and unparalleled 
ruach, you could possibly meet your b'sheret in the process...  

Four summers ago, I had the mazal to meet a girl with dazzling emerald eyes and 
the voice of an angel in the most unlikely of places...Oconomowoc, WI.  We 
shared Birkat Hamazon (in 10-part harmony), teaching sessions with Ellen, 
Debbie, Jeff, and Danny, and a Shabbat of harmonious bliss.

To make this long story short, this past weekend, Noam Katz, HN '97-98, '00, 
and Julie Levine, HN '98, '00, were engaged to be married.  We just wanted to 
share our simcha with you and thank the Hava Nash vets for continuing to make 
it such an incredible experience.  

Hey, you might even meet your soulmate there.

Best wishes,
Noam and Julie

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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