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[HANASHIR:9271] Yasher Koach to Steve Klaper

Last night Steve Klaper performed to a packed house at Temple Emanu-El in Oak 
Park, Michigan (near Detroit).  On stage with him were Judy Hudspeth, Steve's 
daughter Caitlin and a cool band. Lisa Soble-Siegman opened with Havdallah 
and songleading.  It was thrilling!   Steve spent many hours on his CD 
project, and gave us a taste of what's on the CD, along with a taste of the 
music many on this list have become familiar with (e.g., songs by Danny M., 
Shirona, Dan N., etc.).   Everyone, on stage and off, had a great time.  And 
there was fantastic representation from HN-ites (and wannabes), congregants 
and the community.   People were singing!   

A HUGE yasher koach to Steve for sharing his wonderful gift, and for 
initiating the kind of event that I'm hoping we'll see more of in the Detroit 

We're all kvelling, Steve!

Janis Braun-Levine

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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