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[HANASHIR:9268] Re: Mensch Education (Character Ed)
- From: Meris Ruzow <meris...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9268] Re: Mensch Education (Character Ed)
- Date: Sun 10 Jun 2001 14.41 (GMT)
Chevre -- One last request for the year! I've been racking my brain for the
following: On the last day of school (next Thursday - yay) we are having a
kick-off for "Be a Mensch" our new character education program that started the
last few weeks of school but is really culminating with a big celebration the
last day. It will, of course, continue when we come back to school with more
things. So I need THEE SONG that the whole school (K-8) can learn/sing for
this. There aren't many UPBEAT, cool "mitzvah" songs that I can think of.
There's a "Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah" song from one of the camp CD's Shir
Libeinu maybe (the orange one) but it's too slow. There's an old standby that
I use called "Mitzvah Goreret" which is upbeat and I have hand motions and I'll
probably use it unless I get a better suggestion from YOU ! So...........
anyone have anything really cool? The theme is mitzvot and the grade levels
are wide. Thanks and have a great summer!
Meris Ruzow
meris (at) nycap(dot)rr(dot)com
-----Original Message-----
From: janeen kobrinsky <janeen (at) kobrinsky(dot)com>
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Thursday, June 07, 2001 12:08 PM
Subject: [HANASHIR:9248] learning hebrew
Friedman made a plea in a session at HN ... that those who do not read
Hebrew, learn. I was just sent this amazing site for learning Hebrew ... it is
unbelievable ... interactive ... brilliant graphics ... midrashim ... fun!
for yourself ... for others who might need it ... for your students
Starting with Aleph: An On-line Course in Hebrew Reading and Jewish
This new Website, posted by JeMM, an online multimedia developer
providing Jewish content, presents "a free on-line course for adults
in Hebrew reading and Jewish values." Currently, four lessons are
posted that offer instruction in the basics of the Hebrew alphabet.
Each lesson also features a portion of the midrash commenting upon
the relationship of individual letters of the alphabet to Hebrew
beliefs concerning creation, time, place, and the universe. The
instructional materials help visitors to practice letters, sounds,
and words as well as featuring interactive exercises to test one's
learning. The midrash are presented with animated graphics and audio.
Lessons five through seven are in development and will be posted
- [HANASHIR:9268] Re: Mensch Education (Character Ed),
Meris Ruzow