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[HANASHIR:9238] Re: Give us a full report on HN 2001

I could have sent this to Linda privately, but I want everyone to know what 
my personal highest point of HN '01 was.  If you attended the liturgy sharing 
session on Saturday afternoon, up in the sunroom of the Bayit, you will know 
EXACTLY what moment I am referring to.  Soft-spoken Judd Grossman from 
Jackson, WY sang and played a self-penned song about peace that blew everyone 
away.  His sweet tenor voice, reminiscent of Vince Gill, was matched by his 
gorgeous guitar playing, giving the message of his words an extra poignancy 
that everyone in the room felt.  I'm sure none of us would mind being "sung 
at" when it's music like that.  

I made him promise to write more and share it with everyone next year!


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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