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[HANASHIR:9240] Home Again

I want to say a few words about Hava Nashira.  I was a newbie and had such a 
great time.  I want to first say that the camp is such a charming place for 
this workshop to be held at.  We were treated with such warmth from the moment 
of arrival to the very end.  I want to say thank you so very much to Zena and 
to Susan for being so wonderful to all of us.  Making all of us feel at home.  
The Faculty were great thanks Debbie, Ellen, Jeff, Dan,Rosalie and Craig.  It 
was a pleasure to be around you and to enjoy all of the beautiful music.  Dan 
thanks for making all of us feel so special...we await the new CD.  Jerry I had 
a wonderful time at camp, I was so amazed at how really awesome the camp was 
and how any child would be blessed to go there.  Thanks for the wonderful 
stories.  And last but not least, to all of the great people who attended Hava 
Nashira Thankyou for this first experience which I hope will keep me going till 
the next Hava Nashira!!!!!


Nancy Levy-Schnider
Music Specialist
Temple Dor Dorim, Weston Florida
JCC - Davie

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