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[HANASHIR:9237] Re: Give us a full report on HN 2001
- From: Janisbl <Janisbl...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9237] Re: Give us a full report on HN 2001
- Date: Mon 04 Jun 2001 23.35 (GMT)
We really missed you! Your presence was felt, though. I taught your
Tzedakah Shake song at a (cozy - started out on the porch and moved into
someone's room in the bayit) sharing session. I LOVE that song! There
were many great songs passed around at that session by very wonderful people
who love to work with little kids.
There are so many highs to talk about. ALL the faculty was fantastic.
Before HN I didn't know anything about Dan Nichols. Well, Dan is one rockin'
guy! My description of how awesome he is unfortunately wouldn't help you at
all. If you can't get your hands on HN 2K1 recordings (can't say tapes
anymore - you should have seen all the MD recorders this time around), Dan
has a CD coming out in the fall.
(can't lose that Na----Na-----Na-----Na Na-Na from my brain).
Let's see....Billy taught us a 'thing.' It goes like this:
Right - clap
Two-hands - clap
Left - clap
Body-body-body-body (Repeat).
(Quite simple to learn, but very profound)
Yours, still exhausted,
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9237] Re: Give us a full report on HN 2001,