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[HANASHIR:5427] Re: Netiquette Reminder

>One last note. It is fully expected that a certain poetic list subscriber
>will post a pithy but witty reply to this message. As list owner, I declare
>by fiat (it's good to be da king, as Mel Brooks would say) that said poet is
>granted license to be as pithy and witty as desired, and incur no disfavor
>or wrath, or lashing with a wet noodle.'s not that I don't appreciate a good wet noodle immersion every 
now and then...

So....I sent off my Hava Nashira application a couple of days ago. 
I'm delighted that after all of our comments last year regarding 
helping us coordinate transportation from the airports that the 
comment was left (on the online brochure at least) that once again NO 
TRANSPORTATION to the airport will be provided. perhaps 
'delighted' wasn't the word I really meant there.

Who else (of y'all list participants) is going this year?  Anyone 
wanna share van from the airport?


Lupert: It's The Website - @ - Poetry Super Highway

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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