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[HANASHIR:5428] Re: Albert Uzan

This request has provided me with an opportunity to bring a great resource
to the attention to members of the list.

In addition to my musical pursuits, I am the Director of the North American
Desk at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  There is a National  Sound
Archive located at  the Hebrew University's Jewish National and University
Library on the Givat Ram Campus.   The archive is an important and valuable
resource of Jewish  and Israeli Music.  If you would like more information
on the archive or how to search for specific Gila Flam the
Director  at gila (at) vms(dot)huji(dot)ac(dot)il

On a recent visit of  to the sound archives, I asked Gila about the
archiving of American Jewish Music.  She tries her best to purchase
recordings for the archive, but there isn't the budget or mechanism in
place to do so in a systematic way.  The JNUL serves Israel rather like the
Library of Congress in the states, artists by law must submit 2 copies of
their  recordings to the National Sound Archive.

The Sound Archives would love to receive 2 copies of recordings of the
artists on this list and others from North America.    Address is:
                                      National Sound Archives
                                      Jewish National and University
                                       PO Box 34165
                                       Jerusalem, Israel  91341

All support and help will be most appreciated.

B'shalom   Jill Moskowitz

David & Susan Esterman wrote:

> Can anyone help me with information on CDS or cassettes by this cantor?
> A colleague has requested anything I can track down, and I have drawn a
> blank so far.
> thanks in anticipation!
> Sue Esterman (songleader/musical co-ordinator)
> Temple Sinai, Wellington, NZ

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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