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[HANASHIR:5425] acknowledgment

Just wanted to tip my kippah to Adrian, for his ever-tactful regulation of
this list. 

<This list does permit (and indeed encourages) artists and performers who are
subscribers and participants to share news of their work, announce new
projects, recordings, performances, etc.>

Also, for those of you that tune in to Winston Weilheimer's Nusach program
on Shalom America, he'll be featuring 3 of my recently recorded cantorial
pieces on this week's show.

The program can be heard at <> on Monday, Thursday,
and Sunday. You can check the web site for exact times. 

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Hazzan David Sirull
Synagogue Emanu-El
Charleston, South Carolina

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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