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[HANASHIR:5354] RE: need for Jewish music

great idea Iris - at the day school where my kids go and where I teach part 
time, they discourage individual chanukah and year end presents for teachers. 
 Instead, they collect money from each family (it's not required, but most 
give it happily) and at chanukah the teachers use the money to buy stuff for 
the classroom and at year end each teacher gets "galleria gold" (like a gift 
certificate that can be used in any store at the Galleria mall)  The teachers 
are not told which parents (if any) don't contribute and no child has to feel 
"outshined" by classmates who come bearing lavish gifts for teachers.  
not exactly related to music, but I think a nice suggestion for anyone 
working in a school...dayschool, especially.

Raquel Gershon

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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