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[HANASHIR:5237] hallelu - Alla hoo - minor/major?

Rabbi Klein adn all who are interested,
        Minor modes have been used in Jewish music since the 
very beginning. You hit the nail right on the head 
Rabbi! The use of minor intervals and scales used to be 
the epitome of religious music. ALthouhg in teh Nacient 
Near East the term "minor" wasn't used, the intervals 
they used (some known as embubu interval or kablite 
interval) were almost all part of a minor mode as we 
know it today. There are some very interesting paralells 
to Sufi music and rhythms in teh Music of the Jewish 
people in the ancient near east. So, basically, yes 
Rabbi, the use of a minor mode (how many songs do we 
know that are based arouns A minor? ;-) ) creates what 
has been considered, a "Jewish feel." so to say. Anyway, 
if anyone wants to speak further about this, it's part 
of my senior thesis this year, so I'm really excited 
about it! Please email me at JBROOKEW (at) AOL(dot)COM
yours in song,

P.S. How do I change my email address on this list?

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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