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[HANASHIR:5208] Re: Anyone know a Purim song to "Polly Wolly Doodle"?


The Purim song which goes to the tune of Polly Wolly Doodle is called
Shu-shu-shushan.  Here are the words I know:

Oh, Haman was a high and mighty bluff
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.
He ordered Mordechai to take his derby off
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.

Chorus:  So we sing, so we sing
So we sing and raise a row
For Haman he was swingin' while Mordechai was singing (and the non-violent
version -- For everyone admitted that Haman was outwitted)
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.

But Mordechai sat and laughed in his face
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.
And Haman swore he'd destroy the Jewish race (or So Haman swore he'd
exterminate his race or again, the non-violent version ---And Haman thought
this was a disgrace)
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.

Oh, Esther was a timid little maid
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.
But Mordechai told her she needn't be afraid
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.

So she went to the King and gave him a smile
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.
The King he liked her manner and her style
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.

Ahasuerus was a jolly little king
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.
He ordered Haman to take a little swing -- (non-violent version---Who ruined
Haman's plot in the merry month of spring)
In Shu-shu-shushan long ago.

My source shows that the original "violent" version words were written by
someone named Rufus Learsi.

Judy :)

Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, award winning singer/music specialist
Director:  Jewish Entertainment Resources -- we help you find Jewish talent!
Louisiana Professional Artist of the Year!
Past Conference Chair:  23rd Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education
----- Original Message -----
From: Sheldon Levenstein <shel (at) ibm(dot)net>
To: <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 7:19 PM
Subject: [HANASHIR:5207] Anyone know a Purim song to "Polly Wolly Doodle"?

> If anybody knows such a Purim Song song can you post the words to
> Hanashir.
> - Sheldon Levenstein

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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