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[HANASHIR:5209] Santana and Shur

Dear Chevre,
     I noticed in my Entertainment magazine a listing of the composers of the 
songs up for grammy awards this year.  One of the composers of "Smooth," 
Santana's new hit, is named Itaal Shur.  I was a member of Bonia Shur's choir 
at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati for 4 years, and there was a time when 
Bonia's older son, who I believe is named Itaal, was living in Cincinnati and 
doing his own music. Is it possible that this is the Itaal Shur who is Bonia 
Shur's son? Maybe somebody knows the answer to this.  This may not be an 
appropriate question for this list, but I didn't know where else to turn. You 
can e-mail me directly or send an answer to the list. 
Rabbi Larry Karol
Temple Beth Sholom
Topeka, Kansas

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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