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[HANASHIR:5186] Re: Kol Han'shama

The "Hallelu" song  was taken from Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's chant entitled
"Hoo".The best version of this song to my knowledge appeared on his last CD
entitled,"SWAN SONG". He died in 1997. They claim that he was the most respected
Pakistani musician ever to live. The chant is also referred to by other names as
well. The song is sung at the beginning of "Qawwali" gatherings. "Qawwali" is a
complex fusion of thoughts, feelings, emotions and sounds that people around the
world have embraced.  The essence of it is the love of G-d and humanity. It 
a means for making more understandable the teachings of the great Sufi masters.
The English meaning of the chant used by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and his followers
"Praise Allah."

Carole Rivel wrote:

> Please note that on Debbie's, "It's You" album, the song is listed as Hallelu,
> and the only words used are: Halleluyah...hallelu.
> Carole Rivel
> Joanna Selznick Dulkin wrote:
> > FYI,
> > the "traditional" Kol Han'shama on Debbie's album is not, well,
> > traditional, the tune comes from a pakistani sufi chant and, so far as I
> > know, the Jewish community hasn't been singing it for more than 5 years!
> > We have to be very careful when we use the word "traditional" -- many songs
> > we think are Really Old are, in the large scheme of things, Very New.
> >

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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