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[HANASHIR:5197] Re: Copyright Campaign

Dear Adrian and other list members,

I applaud the idea of a campaign to raise respect for copyright laws and the 
Jewish ethics that surround it. I must say, however, that it is a much 
broader issue than music. As an educator, I constantly see my colleagues 
copying entire booklets or activity folders of material, tapes, CDs and 
videos that carries a copyright. 

I would suggest that this campaign needs to be broader in scope than the 
music network. Working through the CAJE networks is a terrific idea, but 
there are many more than the music network that can, and should, be tapped 
for this endeavor. A number of years ago we even did a keynote address at a 
CAJE preconference lunch on this issue with Joel Grishaver as the speaker.

What about comnnecting with the Storytelling, Supplemental and Day School 
educators, Moral education, Drama, Art, Teacher Resource network, etc. to 
make this a larger campaign that can really bring awareness to the concern.

Just adding my two shekels to the conversation,

Iris Petroff

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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