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[HANASHIR:5196] Copyright Campaign

A while back on the list we discussed the problem of lack of respect for
copyright and intellectual property in the Jewish community and in Jewish
Education in particular. At that time I suggested the idea of an educational
campaign to familiarize people with the issues involved.

The first steps in that process are underway. In connection with the CAJE
Music Network, we are planning a campaign to address the issues of musical
copyright at the CAJE conference. I have also posted a notice of this on the
Hava Nashira web site.

I will be spearheading this campaign, and am seeking input and volunteers to
assist. We have considered announcements in the CAJE Page, and at
performances; posters at tables where artists have their music for sale,
presenting educational skits, etc. We are still at a brainstorming stage, so
I am open to any and all ideas.

I am also looking for a nice, concise name or slogan for the campaign. I've
been delving thru Torah and Talmud to find statements related to
intellectual property but haven't yet found one that could be used

If you have ideas that might also benefit the list as a whole, please post
them to Hanashir. Otherwise, please email them to me privately at
durleste (at) home(dot)com with the subject of Copyright Campaign.


Adrian A. Durlester  -  durleste (at) home(dot)com
Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Music Director, Congregation Micah, Nashville, TN
Home phone (615) 646-9788 Nextel cel-phone (615) 207-2661
You can page me from
List-Owner for hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Co-Owner for L-Torah (at) 
Editor, Bim Bam (for Torah Aura Productions)
Alternate Email: aad (at) iname(dot)com  adriand (at) aol(dot)com

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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