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[HANASHIR:5149] Re: Song Competition

Thanks, Steve.  I understand now what they meant, but they could have
specified that themselves.  It really sounds like they're taking your
rights from the way they phrase it on the web page.  But then they tell you
to protect your own material, which they probably wouldn't tell you to do
if they wanted your rights.  The wording really doesn't make much sense,
and it really should be clarified.  I'd be hesitant to sign papers
containing that info on it, especially if a matter of copyright should come
into question.  So many of these contests and various application forms are
really worded strangely sometimes.  Sometimes so strangely, you don't know
exactly how to respond.  Who writes those things, anyway?


At 03:29 AM 2/3/00 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 2/2/00 10:28:06 PM, dasinger (at) umich(dot)edu writes:
>>What's up with the clause that says JMCLA reserves the rights to future
>>performances, recordings, and publications?  It seems that by entering
>>composition, you are paying them $25 to have the rights to your song!?
>>Correct me if I'm wrong.
>It's not an EXCLUSIVE right, it just allows them to put your song on their 
>recording and perform it live if they so choose. You still retain all the 
>other rights. We had three songs in the 1995 finals, and they were on the 
>live recording of the finals show that JMCLA sells. To my mind, not a big 
>deal and nothing to be concerned about. Call Sam Glaser if you want to know 
>more - e-mail me privately for his number, or e-mail him directly at 
>samglaser (at) aol(dot)com(dot)
>Steve Brodsky
>One-third of Mah Tovu (contemporary, original Jewish music)
>Cantorial Soloist/Music Educator/Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter
>Denver, Colorado

Daniel A. Singer        H: (734) 397-1950  W: (810) 238-1350 ext. 4253
1713 Glenshire Dr.      Flint Institute of Music, Temple Beth El
Canton, MI 48188        Bass Voice, Guitar
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
         If I am for myself alone, who am I?
                           If not now, when?"

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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