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[HANASHIR:4910] Re: Cantorial qualifications

In a message dated 1/11/2000 1:41:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Chazzzan (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< UJ and Academy training courses may do an excellent job of preparing 
 but will Conservative or Reform congregations accept people trained by them 
 for full-time cantorial positions? >>

My Reform congregation would definately consider candidates from UJ or 
Academy training courses or any other route as well.  We are looking for the 
"right" person with the knowledge and the passion to share their Jewish soul 
with our congregation through music, prayer, teaching, and being a part of 
our congregational family.  We are searching through the ACC but have not 
found the right person yet.  We are looking for other ways to connect with 
potential candidates.  If anyone has any suggestions of who to contact, 
please e-mail me directly.

jaugshir (at) aol(dot)com(dot)

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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