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Re: Burning Bush/BBC CO and other new reviews

Just a brief addendum for those who missed the superb Burning Bush/BBC Concert 
Orchestra, cond. Robert Ziegler concert, or those who might wish to repeat the 
experience. The good news is that this concert will be repeated next February 
in Chichester, West Sussex as follows:

Thursday 3rd February 2005, 7.30pm
Chichester Festival Theatre
Tickets £10, £18, £26 and £30
Box Office 01243 781312

More details on this and other forthcoming BBC CO events on the Jewish Music UK 
Calendar page of Rainlore's World of Music shortly. 

Richard ("Renaissance Man")
Rainlore's World of Music

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On 15/04/2004 at 01:34 Renaissance Man wrote:

>Hope everyone's had a good escape from Egypt and the matza went down well. 
>(Personally, I love 'em actually.)
>The review of The Burning Bush with the BBC Concert Orchestra conducted by 
>Robert Ziegler concert is at last online on Rainlore's World of Music after 
>continued computer problems and the odd other emergency -
>with intros here
>There's also a separate review of the pre-concert "Vessels of Sound" foyer 
>performances -
>A bunch of much delayed album reviews is also up:
>Another lot should be up within the next week or two at most.
>Richard ("Renaissance Man")
>Rainlore's World of Music
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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