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Klezmer silent film score, Columbia, MO, May 7

>Date: 17 Apr 2004 19:51:52 -0000
>From: klezmerica (at) planet-save(dot)com (The People's Republic of Klezmerica)

>  May 7, 2004, at the Missouri Theatre in Columbia, MO:
>Klezmer and Yiddish swing orchestra The People's Republic
>of Klezmerica will present their original score to "Pass
>the Gravy," enlivening our rediscovery of the agile and
>inspired silent comedian Max Davidson. Davidson was
>extremely popular in the late 1920s when he starred in a
>number of shorts at the Hal Roach Studios, playing the
>roles of Jewish tailors, pawnbrokers, and junk dealers.
>Nearly forgotten today, Davidson infused American slapstick
>with agile antics and a unique brand of Eastern European
>moxie. The original score, which combines early Yiddish
>swing, klezmer, vintage "photoplay" music, and popular
>melodies, may be the first Yiddish-themed work in the
>emerging trend of accompanying silent films.   $8 for
>adults, $6 for children under 12.
>org_name:  The People's Republic of Klezmerica
>tel:  (573)446-0608

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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