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Matza and Macaroon Medley near Boston April 11th!

Hello, Folks,
Last reminder for you to join us this Sunday, in Reading, MA, just North of
Boston, for a wonderful time at  Klezmer Brunch Jam.
 We will dodge the hopping bunnies and attempt to navigate some nice tunes,
posted on ! While you are at the website, check out the Jewish
Music Events happening around Boston.. Granted, we don't have BAM's Jewish
Music Month, but we try..
 Time is running short, so if you need more details for location or if you
need a ride, etc., e-mail me or call me directly at 781 944 1950!

Hope to see you all at the jam!

Vlad Liberman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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