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Re: Trombone

 Howie Leess told me that he developed his wonderful klez tenor sax style by 
picking up licks from trombone players.  Not to put myself in the same 
paragraph as the great Howie, but I copped a lot of trombone parts (as well as 
comping tricks from Howie) in developing a performance style of klez 
accompaniment for 5-string banjo.

One of my best klezmer lessons ever was at KlezKanada in 1997 or so, having 
KCB's Dave Harris sing trombone parts into a tape recorder for a glorious 2 
I'm no expert on trombones (I look forward to Jordan jumping in on this 
thread), but given the decent of klezmer brass instruments from military bands 
in Europe, that would be a place to research origins.  Possibly the performance 
style changed in America given exposure to jazz styles.
Ryan by the way is a terrific klez trombone player in his own right.
Pete Rushefsky

Ryan Zawel <rzawel1 (at) ithaca(dot)edu> wrote:

I am a trombonist currently studying and performing this music 
with Joel Rubin at Cornell U. I am hoping for your input in a 
research project of mine:

I am hoping to capture the names, stories, and styling of the 
trombone among klezmorim from 19th-Century Europe through 
the most recent revival ensembles. Please e-mail me directly at 
rzawel1 (at) ithaca(dot)edu if you would like to contribute any information 
about the topic. I will reply with a brief survey. Thank you. 

Ryan Zawel

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