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RE: Sampling & cantus firmus

Alex Lubet wrote:

> Sampling was the fundamental compositional technique of Renaissance 
> polyphony, only they called it cantus firmus in those days.

Well, my impression -- Alex is undoubtedly more knowledgeable in these
matters -- is that cantus firmus involved the appropriation of a *melody* --
which is, indeed, a staple of much folk music, much Jewish music, much
popular music, and some (or much?) "classical" music -- not the
appropriation of produced/arranged/"recorded" (well, obviously not exactly)
music from another source (or "someone else's pre-existing musical effort" --
at least in its totality -- in Ms. Jill's words).  That's not the same thing, 

-- Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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