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RE: Brothers in Arms Lyrics -- Israel?

Seth Austen wrote, in re "Brothers in Arms":

> To me the lyrics suggest that it could be about any war, not any
> specific war.
> > These mist covered mountains
> > Are a home now for me
> > But my home is the lowlands
> > And always will be
> Mark definitely going for the sound/feel of British Isles
> ballads with these lyrics.

And not just the sound or feel.  "The Mist Covered Mountains of Home"
is an exquisite Scottish (though I have also seen it described as an Irish)
melody and song.  (I've heard the melody and seen the words, though I've
never actually heard the words sung to the melody.)

-- Robert Cohen, folkie lover of real music and beautiful melody

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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