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children's and teens' music recommendations?

       My wife and I (Roni Sarig and Danielle Dardashti) and I wrote a book 
called The Jewish Family Fun Book, which was published by Jewish Lights in 
2002. In it, we have a section that reviews Jewish childrens' music. 
       We're now working on a new version of the book geared toward teachers 
and classrooms, but similar in scope. We are now in the process of updating 
the reviews sections with material that we missed the first time, or that was 
released after 2002.
       I wonder if any of the knowledgable folks on this list might have some 
recommendations of Jewish kids' music CDs that you think are really great -- 
and that have come out in the past two or three years? I'd love to hear what 
any "experts" out there think, so that our recommendations can be as 
authoritative as possible.
       We also have a separate section in the book with recommendations of 
Jewish music for teens. That's an broader subject, since it's basically adult 
music that would be appropriate and attractive to teens (fun and contemporary, 
guess, would be key elements). Any suggestions there would be appreciated as 
       Roni Sarig

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