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Free Yiddish books on tape...among many others

Dear List-folks,

The JBI Library (originally the Jewish Braille Institute) is an affiliate of 
the Library of Congress, and we offer hundreds of books on tape in Yiddish, 
Russian, Hungarian, and Romanian...and thousands of books of Jewish interest in 
English as well.   

All are loaned out totally free of charge to anyone who needs them once a 
simple registration has been completed.  And please note...these books are 
available to folks who have ANY form of disability that makes it impossible for 
them to use regular-sized print or to hold a book, so that also includes people 
who are dyslexic or who have other physical impairments.

Further, these materials are available for use not only inside the United 
States, but outside it as well; we have many thousands of clients located 
everywhere from Canada to South America, and from Antigua to Hong Kong.

In addition to books of every description (fiction, non-fiction, and religious 
works from all the major streams of Judaism,) we also record and distribute 
Jerusalem Report, Commentary, Tikkun, the Hadassah magazine, and Sh'ma - and 
there's a cultural series distributed monthly alternating concerts, drama and 
poetry readings, and lectures.

For more information on these services, please take a look at our website (it's 
being massively updated, but what's there now will give you a fair idea) at  

If you've read this far, please take another moment to read the following 2 

a) If you are in the New York City area and want to take part in an excellent 
volunteer activity, JBI is constantly recruiting reader / directors for our 
recording program.   

In any given week more than 100 volunteers work in our 4 studios on 30th Street 
between Park and Lex.  These folks come from every different profession, from 
radio announcers to attorneys to retired teachers to currency traders (with 
more than a few singers and actors thrown in for spice.)  

We'll train you, so if you're available Monday through Thursday, 11am to 7:30pm 
- Fridays 11am until 3pm, please contact me off-list at lkirsch (at) 

b) I mentioned JBI's cultural series.  Like so many other not-for-profit 
institutions, our funding has been slashed - and so, instead of being able to 
produce new material for the cultural programming, (at least during this year,) 
I'm actively looking for the donation of previously recorded concerts, etc, of 
Jewish interest, so that we can continue to provide this service to our 

Please bear in mind that all of our tapes are circulated FREE OF CHARGE only to 
a previously qualified group of recipients; this is not in any way for 
commercial use.

If you have material that you can give me permission to use (this means that 
you were the performer in the concert, and you can tell me whom else I'd need 
to get permission from to use the recording - such as the venue that sponsored 
the concert) again, please contact me off-list.

Thanks for taking time to read this.


Lisa Kirsch
Manager of Audio Production
JBI International
(212) 889-2525 x 108
lkirsch (at) jbilibrary(dot)org

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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