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Re: yiddish books on tape

How about either the Jewish Bookstore at the Workmen's Circle in NYC or
the National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst or TheYiddish Voice store
online?  The former both have toll free #s.  W.C.'s main # is
1-800-wccallus.  The NYBC's # can be found on line.  Good luck and let us
know what you find.

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 10:19:50 -0500 TTova <TTova (at) rogers(dot)com> writes:
> Dear List members,
> A cousin of mine asked me the following question and I thought I 
> would 
> ask you helpful yiddish mavens where to send her...
> "I forgot to ask you if you've heard of "books on tape" but in 
> Yiddish? 
>  I'd like
> to get some.  For example, Sholem Aleichem stories, or IB Singer in 
> the 
> original Yiddish, or even modern Yiddish writers being read.  Any 
> suggestions where to look?"
> theresa tova

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