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Re: Prayer for the State of Israel

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com wrote:

> Thanks especially for telling me of Israeli practice.

In Israel they normally use the following Mi Shebeirach
recitative for "Avinu Shebashamayim"

> I also plan to find out who wrote the prayer -- that
> is, whether it was written by the Ashkenazi/Sephardi
> Rabbinate in Israel or by someone else.

Quoting from:

Most scholars, including Moshe Ishon, Bernard Casper,
and Marcel Marcus, now maintain that it was composed by
the two chief rabbis of Palestine (and then Israel),
Ashkenazi Rabbi Isaac ha-Levy Herzog and Rishon l'Zion
Rabbi Hai Uziel, with the aid of the Chief Rabbinate
Council. Others, including David Tamar and Dan Leor,
claim the initial draft was authored by the great
Hebrew writer and essayist Shai Agnon. Zvi Noriah
maintains that Agnon made certain suggestions to the
initial draft by the council, one of which was the
famous and problematic phrase "the first flowering of
our redemption," a play on a similar locution made
decades earlier by Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook "reshit
zemihat yeshuatenu" (the first flowering of our
salvation) in his letter to Lord Rothschild upon
receiving the Balfour Declaration.

 Irwin Oppenheim
 i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

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