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Yom Tov Erlich

Aderet has just released a CD by Zeesha Schmeltzer, produced by Lipa
Schmeltzer, called "the Songs of R' Yom Tov Erlich".

As you might predict, it becomes sing-songy and has a trite, soft rock
sequencer accompiament.

It's actually hard for me to imagine anyone elese doing Erlich's shiur-songs.

His own productions might seem - what, naive?  but frankly, 
"professionallizing" like this with modern frum-pop production techniques
make them just plain - well, trite and trivial.  I don't know I can
blame the folks who made the record for the disappointing result,
it's hard to see how anyone could do much better. Reb Erlich in a room
with a piano, his neshomo, and a cassette recorder is really the right
way for his stuff to be presented.

Still I was rather surprised someone would take such odd material
and do something new with it.  Unfortunatly I think we would be 
better served by the re-release of the originals on CD.

r l reid        ruvy (at) tsimbler(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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