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Alicia Svigals & Pete Rushefsky this Saturday Night at the Open Center (Manhattan)

An "Old World" Klezmer Concert with
Alicia Svigals & Pete Rushefsky

8pm Saturday, February 28
$16 members / $18 nonmembers
Open Center
83 Spring St., NYC
(212) 219-2527
Before the big klezmer bands of New York arose with their brass and clarinets, 
there were the archetypical Jewish orchestras of the old world, led by the 
fiddle and borne aloft by the otherworldly sounds of the harp-like "tsimbl", or 
Jewish hammered dulcimer. This evening, the world's leading klezmer fiddler, 
the renowned Alicia Svigals, co-founder of the legendary Klezmatics, presents a 
program of these ancient and ecstatic Jewish melodies, accompanied by 
"tsimbler" Pete Rushefsky, one of the few musicians in the world to have 
mastered this traditional instrument. Join these two great figures in the 
revival and revitalization of "Old World" Jewish music a week before Purim for 
a musical communion with beloved ghosts from this Eastern European past.

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