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Master Class Joel Rubin Cornell University March 18

I'm sending out this information now in the hopes that klezmer bands and
other interested parties in the upstate area who might be interested in
participating in my master class on Thurs. March 18 from 7-10 pm will be
able to plan on attending. I'd like to have several bands from the area play
(Ithaca, Syracuse, Binghamton, Rochester, Buffalo, Oneonta etc.). Please
e-mail me off list if you and/or your band is planning on attending.

Here's the complete information for my group's residency at Cornell March

The trio consisting of Joel Rubin, clarinet, Claudio Jacomucci, accordion,
and David Chernyavsky, violin, will be in residency at Cornell from March
16-19, 2004. This event is co-sponsored by the Cornell Council for the Arts,
the Department of Music, the Jewish Studies Program, the Cornell Society for
the Humanities, the Institute for European Studies, and Cornell Hillel.

March 16
8:00 pm: Recital David Cheryavsky, violin, Xak Bjerken, piano, Barnes
Auditorium. Works by Brahms, Debussey, Bloch and Nathan Milstein.

March 17
8:00 pm: Concert Joel Rubin Ensemble, "Beregovski¹s Wedding: Forgotten
Musical Treasures from the Jewish Ukraine", Barnes Auditorium. Klezmer.
With guest appearances by Peter Rushefsky, tsimbl, and the debut of the
Cornell Klezmer Ensemble.

March 18
9:00-11:00 am: Chamber Music Master Class, David Chernyavsky (St. Petersburg
String Quartet), B-20 Lincoln Hall.

12:30-1:15 pm: Midday concert Claudio Jacomucci, Contemporary accordion
music by Berio, Tedde, Kurtág, Zorn, Garau, and Piazzola, B-20 Lincoln Hall

7:00-10:00 pm: Klezmer music workshop/master class Joel Rubin (with special
guest Peter Rushefsky, Syracuse, tsimbl [Eastern European hammered
dulcimer]), as well as Claudio Jacomucci, accordion), 124 Lincoln Hall.

March 19
1:25-4:25 Composers Forum, Contemporary Accordion Techniques, Claudio
Jacomucci, 316 Lincoln Hall (in Cox Music Library).


Joel Rubin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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