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Nikitov - Thursday 1/29 @ barbes

@ 9PM
Barbes in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
376 9th St. (corner of 6th Ave.) Park Slope, Brooklyn 718.965.9177

NIKITOV TRIO...from Holland, Nikitov plays Yiddish songs and Klezmer tunes
from Eastern Europe with a Gypsy jazz twist.

Led by vocalist Niki Jacobs from Haarlem, Netherlands, and featuring NYC E.
Euro music regular Adam Good on acoustic guitar and upright bass slapper
Jason Sypher.

Niki's voice and interpretations of beautiful Yiddish songs is not to be

Niki Jacobs - voice
Adam Good - acoustic guitar
Jason Sypher - upright bass
w/ special guests!(?)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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