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origins of a Shabbat zemer


I'm trying to learn the origins of the melody to a particular version of the 
popular Shabbat zemer Yom Shabbaton that we (i.e., Ceilizemer) do on our recent 
CD, "Shalom Ireland". It is a 3/4-time version. Might any of you be able to 
help me? You can hear a 2-min soundbite of it on (just plug in 
Ceilizemer, go to track #8). I had learned the tune some 16 or 17 years ago at 
the Shabbat table of friends in Boston. Does it have a composer, or is it 
"traditional"? Can it be traced to a particular community?

Cantor Sam Weiss (an active list participant) showed me a Breslaver version of 
Yom Shabbaton that has some similar note sequences in the first two measures, 
though it is not in waltz time. We both feel that the similarity is more likely 
an example of convergent evolution rather than a direct musicological relation, 
though of course we don't know that for sure. He also speculated that, in view 
of where I learned it, it might be a Bostoner Chasidic tune.

Kol tuv,

-Andy Rubin
Ceilizemer and The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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