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Sexual stimulation from hearing voices

I expressed this thought in an off-list note to Trudi Goodman yesterday, 
but now the discussion of Kol Isha is continuing into related territory. 
Prayer and sexuality are also linked by being emotional topics but, more 
specifically, one subject on the table is a man becoming sexually aroused 
by hearing a woman sing .  I suspect that such a man is so hormonal - so 
easily aroused - that simply removing the woman's singing won't take his 
thoughts away from sex or improve his attention span.  Next, it's been 
long enough since I visited a congregation with a mechitzah that I forget: 
when the rest of the congregation sings - the men and children - do the 
women on the south side of the room remain silent?

Fred Blumenthal
XD2FABL (at) US(dot)IBM(dot)COM

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