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Jewish Music Web Center BLOG

As you probably may recall, (or maybe not), The Jewish Music WebCenter BLOG
is now up and running.

This will allow a venue for news and information about Jewish music.
(Indeed, I've been practicing putting things up and working the new blog
with the wonderful announcements of concerts and cds I've heard about here,
and that people are sending to me via the new forms.)

This weblog, being slightly different than Ari's blog, which has it's
general focus on klezmer music, will also run, from time to time,
announcements from general music competitions, scholarships, festivals and
so on that may be pertinent to Jewish music, but not necessarily exclusively
for Jewish music.

I will also endeavor soon to have links to news items from Jewish press on
musical events, if possible, and to citations of scholarly publications.
Eventually that area may be geared up more for a type of "current awareness"
entity, but we'll see how it goes. So, if any of you are reading scholarly
or serious publications, you can fill out the form and let me know what that
is, that's welcome blog news. I will take a look at it.

I'm also STILL collecting bios for the biography pages. Any of you working
Jewish women musicians or women working in Jewish music, who want their
picture on the women and Jewish music page, may send an electronic photo,
(with the caveat that copyright permission is granted to run the photo!)
Anyone who has not sent me info for a bio, just email me off list.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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