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"New Jewish School"

There are a couple of very interesting articles by Jascha Nemtsov and Beate 
Schroder-Nauenburg (friends of my husband and me). You will find them in VEK 
books. One is called "Juedische Musik in Sowjetrussland". The articles in this 
book contain information about the foundation and composers of the New Jewish 
school.Jascha is the discover of "the New Jewish school".

The other book "Samuel Goldenberg" und "Schmuyle"also has an article by 
Jascha's hand but goes about Anti-Semitism in Stalin's Musik politics.
The books are written in German. Although some articles are in English.

Jascha has a clear way of writing and you can read it easily. He studied piano 
at the Leningrader Conservatory and lately Musicology. Several cd's you will 
find on Internet. 

For the DSCH Journal # 20 he gave an interview, which will be published this 
month: January. This interview is about the connection of the New Jewish 
school and Shostakovich. You can order the Journal by Alan Mercer or Howard 
Wilson on Internet.
 The two people I mentioned before, deserve attention for hard working and 
excellent research and that's reason enough to send you this information Henny


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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