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Tzena, Tzena

My wife's cousin is charmed by the fact that his own cousin was Issachar
Miron, who wrote the song lyrics.  He's asked me to do some research which
is how I found this discussion.  I've been following attentively the thread
on this old chestnut of a song.  I wonder if some of you reading this might
visit my blog,
where I've tried to do some web research on the song & those associated with
it.  One poster here says there are three verses.  I only know of two:
Tzena, tzena, tzena tzena ha-b'not u'r'eina 
Chayalim ba-moshava

Al na, Al na, Al na, al na tityarena 
Mi ben chayil, ish tzava 
If anyone knows of more lyrics, pls. e mail me either here or preferably
through the e mail link on my blog.

Richard Silverstein

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